
The material presented in the previous five sections of this website was drawn principally from information about Watchman Nee provided by those who intimately knew him and worked with him. These were also very familiar with his ministry and closely followed it. The material presented in this final section was collected from others who did not personally know him (excepting the entries marked with an asterisk * ), and who are therefore likely to possess less knowledge and understanding of his ministry. In a few cases their understanding and assessment is even inaccurate and misleading. Nevertheless, their material has been included because, on the whole, they recognize Watchman Nee’s tremendously positive contribution along with the fact that the Lord greatly used him. A third category of material related to Watchman Nee is excluded from this website because the materials are full of slander intended to bias readers against Watchman Nee and his ministry. At least six of these books have been retracted by their American publishers; in fact, one was condemned in court as libelous and defamatory. Nevertheless, some of those opposing Watchman Nee’s ministry and persecuting the believers meeting in the local churches still promote and circulate photocopies of these disproven and retracted books.

Listed below are some brief excerpts from authors who have either referred to or written about Watchman Nee.



Baker, John P., ed.

Christs Living Body: An Examination of Ministry in the Local Church

Bays, Daniel H.

“Trying to Break Loose.” Christian History

Brown, G. Thomson

Christianity in the Peoples Republic of China, Revised Edition

Chao, Jonathan

“Churches in China: Flourishing from House to House.” Christianity Today

Falwell, Jerry

Strength for the Journey

Hanks, Geoffrey

Seventy Great Christians, Changing the World, Second Edition

Hefley, James & Marti

By Their Blood

Kauffman, Paul E.

China Yesterday

Kinnear, Angus*

Against the Tide: The Story of Watchman Nee

Laurent, Bob

Watchman Nee: Man of Suffering

Lee, Witness*

Watchman Nee: A Seer of the Divine Revelation in the Present Age

Lyall, Leslie T

Flame for God

Melton, J. Gordon

Encyclopedia of American Religions, 5thEdition

Melton, J. Gordon

Religious Leaders of America

Watchman Nee




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